오레곤 한국전쟁 기념재단( KWMFO)이 6.25를 앞두고 개최한 에세이 컨테스트에서 변예린(사진.Sydney Byun) 학생이 대상을 차지했다.

중학교 졸업을 앞둔 예린 학생(Wood Middle School 8th Grade)은 컨테스트에 참가한 다수의 고등학생들을 제치고 최고의 점수를 받았다.

변예린 학생이 출품한 에세이 내용은 ‘ 전쟁을 피해 어릴적 가족과 헤어져 이남으로 내려왔던 할아버지가 겪은 이산의 아픔과  아직도 많은 사람들이 가족과 헤어진체 살아가야 하는  분단된 대한민국이 통일 국가가 되길 바라는 염원’이 담겨있다.

그렉콜드웰 명예영사, 척 루사디 미참전 용사회 회장 등이 심사한 컨테스트 시상식은 6월18일 부상 $500과 함께 한국전쟁기념재단 박진호 회장이 직접 전달 할 예정이다.

현재 부모님 변상윤, 변정은씨와 함께 윌슨빌에 거주하고 있는 예린양은 미국서 출생한 한인2세로 한국어로 말하고 읽고 쓰기에 부족함이 없다고 전해졌다.

아래는 변예린 학생의 에세이 우승작


He set off with a sack of rice and the clothes on his back, into an unclear future. Years of living a difficult life couldn’t have prepared him for this. 65 years ago, at the age of thirteen, my grandfather was forced to leave behind everything he knew in search of a safer life. The Korean War had just begun, and the north was recruiting young boys for the army. After months of hiding his mother sent him away to the south, promising that they would be reunited after the war ended. Unfortunately, her words couldn’t come true.

My grandfather’s story is just one of many. The Korean War split the Korean Peninsula into two separate countries, leading to countless families being torn apart; mothers and fathers were separated from their children, and siblings would grow up apart. Even today, chances for separated families to reunite are very slim; communication between the North and South Koreas is limited and North Korea often shuts down programs meant to reunite family members.

The possible unification of the North and South Koreas is not only a political issue, families are also at stake. The two nations have the opportunity to bring families back together, and it should be in everyone’s greatest interest to do so.

It’s no secret that reunification would be a difficult thing to accomplish, but it is in no way impossible. An increase in economic deals between North and South Korean businesses as well as political compromise between the two countries’ leaders could establish the stronger connection needed to reunify the countries. These strategies could help the two Koreas ease into reunification. Eventually, one national government could be formed, tying the North and South together.

The two Koreas are much like the separated families – they are estranged siblings that, with a little help, could return to being family once again.